The Key To Flexible Dieting Ebook
Stop suffering from overly restrictive diets and start eating again.


Meal Plan
A step-by-step meal plan,
including supplement recommendation.

Q&A Success Guide
Loads of common questions
with answers not found

Find Your Macros
Learn how to find your
macros for your specific body

Recipe Guide
Quick and easy
mouthwatering recipes that
anyone can cook completed
with macros.

Workout Plan
A kick ass workout program
designed to take you to the
next level.

Track and Measure
Learn The Industry Secrets of sustainable flexible dieting.

Compatible with IOS
and Android
Available as a downloadable book.
Can be viewed on your favorite device
(Computer, Phone, iBooks, Kindle, and more).
Here's What's Inside
Chapter 1: Covering The Basics of Flexible Dieting?
Why the flexible dieting philosphy is rated the number 1 diet for sustainability.
Chapter 2: Finding Your Macros
Learn how to calculate and tweak your macros for long lasting results.
Chapter 3: Customizing Macros For Your Body Type
Whether you're an Endomorph, Mesomorph, or Ectomorph we'll workout the macros based on how you metabolize food.
Chapter 4: Breaking Down Macros
Protein, carbs, and fats what they do and how they work in your body for weight loss and for building muscle.
Chapter 5: How to Eat Your Favorite Snacks While Staying On Track
The fun part of flexible dieting is being able to eat your favorite foods while you lose weight.
Chapter 6: Flexible Dieting Meal Plan
Sample meal plans to show you how to construct your own plan.
Chapter 7: Flexible Dieting Mouthwatering Recipes
From breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and drinks we leave nothing out.
Chapter 8: The Approved Workout Plan
A workout plan designed to build muscle and burn fat.
Chapter 9: Overcoming Challenges and Hurdles
How to get over common challenges with flexible dieting in order to achieve success.
Chapter 10: Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most burning questions.

We've Helped Over 50,000 People and Now It's
Your Turn!

"The results were absolutely amazing! I’ve been an athlete
all my life and lost my way after college due to partying and
drinking. I started at 240lbs and at the ended at 215lbs! Abs started
to show again and my shoulders started to pop and then my
family and friends started to notice! "
-Xavier s - 25lbs down

"I figured out what was best for MY body. The results have been
Fantastic! Every week I consistenly loss 1-2 lbs, im now down 20lbs,
and I've finally found balance in my life!"
-Michelle M - 20lbs down

The Key To Flexible Dieting Includes BOTH the Fat Loss Edition + Muscle Gain Edition
Bonus Downloads – The Macro Food List + The Ultimate Macro Swap Chart
The Ultimate Supplement Guide
Email Support For Flexible Dieting Questions
Personalized Macros & Coaching
Everything in Basic and Premium
We Calculate Your TDEE/Macros For You Based on Your Unique Goals And Needs
You Will Be Sent A Personalized Flexible Plan of Action
12 Weeks of Personal Accountability
Custom Meal Plans
Reuben has over 8 years of experience researching, teaching, competing, and coaching people about flexible dieting. He used flexible dieting himself to get this transformation as you see in the picture below and also to maintain his physique. He is the author of The Key To Flexible Dieting and is extremely passionate about helping people to create a healthier relationship with food and to help people get in the best shape of their lives. He has now coached over 200 people and counting!

Author, Competitor, and
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can Vegetarians and Vegans use this?
100% yes! The flexible dieting system fits ANY dietary requirements.
Is this an ebook?
Yes, The Key To Flexible Dieting is a downloadable ebook compatible with your tablet, phone, and computer.
How soon will I get my book?
As fast as you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 🙂
As soon as you purchase a confirmation link will have the download links. They will also be emailed to you.
Is there a recurring charge?
No. You will only be billed once.
Can I email you if I have any questions?
Please reach out, we'd love to hear from you.
What's the science behind this?
It's based on the Mifflin, St Jeor formula for determing TDEE. No foods are off limits as long as you dont go over your macro limits for the day.
The Key To Flexible Dieting Includes BOTH the Fat Loss Edition + Muscle Gain Edition
Bonus Downloads – The Macro Food List + The Ultimate Macro Swap Chart
The Ultimate Supplement Guide
Email Support For Flexible Dieting Questions
Personalized Macros & Coaching
Everything in Basic and Premium
We Calculate Your TDEE/Macros For You Based on Your Unique Goals And Needs
You Will Be Sent A Personalized Flexible Plan of Action
12 Weeks of Personal Accountability
Custom Meal Plans