3 Ways To Achieve Your Fitness Goals While Having A Full Time Job

According to ABC News, Americans work more than anyone in the industrialized world. It is then understandable why Americans have problems finding time for exercise. Yes, work can get in the way of working out. Go figure right!?

Healthy living doesn’t end at lunch.

You have to find time to exercise, have enough sleep and take care of your sanity in the process. So I wrote my Top 3 Ways to Achieve Your Fitness Goals With Having a Full-Time Job:


  1. Prioritize your fitness.


If something is your priority, YOU WILL MAKE TIME TO DO IT. Deciding that your fitness is above the hierarchy makes it easier to organize your schedule.


Remember, even if you work eight hours per day and sleep eight hours per night, you still have eight hours to spare. Your work time may preclude you from going to the gym, but it should not preclude you from exercising.  Work out before work. Or work out right after work. Putting working out at the forefront of your to-do list will immensely increase the probability that you will work out.


Don’t leave exercise up to fate. The best way to ensure you actually do all this is to schedule it. Keep organized.

I like to view the gym as an appointment.

That said, I’m not going to cancel my doctors appointment so why would I cancel the appointment that is going to prevent me from going to the doctor?

2.    Do High-Intensity Interval Training.


HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods.


Not all workouts are created equal. So, if your limited in time with working out, make that chosen exercise align with your goals.


If you have a hectic schedule, HIIT is perfect for you. As HIIT workouts have been shown to burn more calories than traditional workouts, and burns more body fat in less time.

Here is a 30 minute HIIT workout you might want to consider:

Set 1:
Floor Touch Squat
Wide-to-Narrow Push-Up
Tap Floor, Squat Jump
Full Tuck Crunch

Set 2:
Forward and Backward Lunge
Tricep Dip and Hip Lift
Kneel to High Skip
Bicycle Crunch

Set 3:
Bridge Scissor
Swimming Plank
Diagonal Squat Thrust
Toe Touch Beetle Crunch

Set 4:
Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive
Inverted Push-Up
Skater With Single-Leg Squat
Vertical Leg Lift

Set 5:
Plank Walkout and Punch
Tick-Tock Squat Thrust
Rock-Up to Single-Knee


3.    Prepare your own food.

Many commercially prepared foods are high in fat, salt, and sugar. When we prepare our own food, we know exactly which ingredients and how much of each are going into our food.

Cook anything you might want to bring and portion it in a Tupperware that’s easy to grab in the morning before you go. This removes the trouble of preparing your meals daily.

Preparing your own meal also saves you money. Eating homemade foods is more often cheaper than eating at a restaurant or buying processed foods from the market. PLUS, you can track your macros too.


If you want professional help on meal planning. >> Click here <<


If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to practice flexible dieting to eat the foods you love, build muscle, and burn fat, then you’re going to want to check this.

>> Click here <<

How do you stay healthy while managing a full-time job? Share with us in the comment section.

Source: https://greatist.com/move/bodyweight-workout-30-minute-hiit-routine-makes-time-fly


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